Setting Up the Development Environment

Setting Up the Development Environment is fairly easy. Please follow the below steps;

Install Node.js

Install the most recent version of Node.js from the following location.

The SharePoint Framework v1.15.0 is supported on the following Node.js versions:

Node.js v16.15.0+
Node.js v14.15.0+
Node.js v12.13.0+

Latest Node.js


Install a code editor

You can use any text editor to build SharePoint Framework solutions. You can also use a mac, Windows, or Linux operating systems as well.

Install one of the following (We prefer Visual Studio Code);

Install Prerequisites

Run the following code on a command prompt or a similar application

Installing development toolchain prerequisites

   npm install gulp-cli yo @microsoft/generator-sharepoint --global

Installing Gulp

   npm install gulp-cli --global

Installing Yeoman

   npm install yo --global

Installing Yeoman SharePoint generator

   npm install @microsoft/generator-sharepoint --global

Run also the following command to trust dev certificate

   gulp trust-dev-cert

Now we are ready to develop our first SharePoint client-side web part. Move to the next chapter please :)